Our Team

Meet the leadership.

All HETMA board of directors and committee chairs are currently employed professionals who work in higher eduction.
There are ways to be involved and make a difference! Check out the various committees and initiatives!

Erin Maher-Moran

Chair, Board of Directors

Troy Powers

2 Year At-Large, Board of Directors

Ann Kelly

Events Chair

Ryan Gray

Vice-Chair, Board of Directors

Teddy Murphy

1 Year At-Large, Board of Directors

Lex Evans

HEAV Creative Director

Joe Way

Cofounder, Board of Directors

Greg Carstens

Advisory Board Chair

Chuck Fortino

Membership Chair

BC Hatchett

Cofounder, Board of Directors

Dustin Myers

Approved Program Chair

Tim Van Woeart

Programs Chair

Annie Foster

Secretary, Board of Directors

Chris Hewitt

Communications Chair

Chris Dietrich

Regional Groups Chair

Atkins Fleming

Treasurer, Board of Directors

Kameesha Jones

DEI Chair

Jon Hamilton

Sponsorship Chair

Britt Yenser

3 Year At-Large, Board of Directors

Stephen Ashby

Education Chair

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